Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Quotes, what this country needs and other snippets

I received this quote in an email today that I really liked, although I post it here as reminder that it's what I need, as much as any other part of this country:
What the country needs is dirtier fingernails and cleaner

-- Will Rogers
And speaking of dirtier fingernails, hearsay has it the hydrangea bush in the yard might actually bloom this year, for the first time in memory. Now there is cause for rejoicing! I think the two hydrangeas might each be ....um... 7 years old? I'm not too good with plants, so when anything growing in vicinity performs with aplomb, I'm thrilled! If the bush lives up to its promise, then I'll have to post a photo here.

The Will Rogers one inspired me to mention that I love quotes. I select a different quote for my own personal benefit each week. How about if I post the quote of the week here, as well?

So glad you asked! This week's quote is therefore included:
The great use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.

--William James

The best part of this exercise is that when I selected this as the quote of the week, I understood it was anonymous. But now that I've looked it up to share it with you, you can see I have it attributed! Thank you for being my reason to do this.